@pyrate oh look, another shitty instance that can't handle everything being about Nazis, hentai, and hating anyone who isn't straight and white! @sjw@coolboymew
@coolboymew *bangs fist* bring back the cool plastic chairs, the silly Nintendo GameCube stations, the slightly creepy mascot characters. Enough with the bland sameness. @idiot
@picandor@coolboymew@idiot playing smash 64 at mcdonald's against random kids was fucking lit. one of them near me actually had this big wall with buttons that would light up and you'd have to hit them to get a high score, kind of like whack a mole. play places don't even exist anymore.
@beardalaxy it wasn't until my little cousin pointed this out to me but there's a shocking lack of offline places for kids/teens to hang out that aren't just someone's house. So much has changed (derogatory). @coolboymew@idiot
@picandor@beardalaxy@idiot malls are fucking boring too now, if even open anymore. There used to be arcades there and all sort of cool shops. Now there's nothing
@monsterislandcolonizer@beardalaxy@picandor@idiot and basic bitch electronic mega story, or basic bitch small electronic store with absolutely nothing interesting (La/The Source is the worst fucking store of all times)
@picandor@coolboymew@idiot the last one around here got yeeted in favor of more commercialism. there was an open mic that a shit ton of teens would go to and then the business who ran it just decided "nah we want to put in a coffee bar instead" and canceled it.
then covid hit and they never put in the coffee bar.
there are things like video game tournaments that happen, but it costs money and they're full of libshits and groomers.
@coolboymew@picandor@idiot thankfully we've still got a mall pretty close to us. idk how many people actually go there anymore but i did a lot 10 years ago to hang out. honestly the shops there now are cooler than they were back then, and there's even a round 1 arcade (that nobody will go to with me because the main draw is the rhythm games).