The biggest silent driver of the world towards fascism is removal of the ability to get accurate facts and information.
It's not just the propaganda and deliberate misinformation - that's already in full swing.
The removal of the ability to FIND information is critical here.
The recent and very VERY obvious moves to make search engines nearly useless for actual search basically means 2-3 big corporations control our ability to find out what's going on if we don't hear about it from friends and family.
They control our ability to research things we don't know about. They control our ability to fact-check.
They control whether we find the answers to health questions. They control whether or not we see health data.
And governments control whether there is any data for us to see AT ALL (by e.g. removing funding from wastewater monitoring, not publishing data that they do have, not collecting data they should, etc.)
My ex told me that at some point after Chernobyl, it became illegal to own a Geiger counter in Germany. While I don't have verification of this, that is basically where we are right now.
It's hard to be outraged and to organise if you can't see what's actually happening.
It scares the fuck out of me, and I am NOT naturally paranoid.