>It seemed that Fediverse apps are mostly in the field of personal content publishing and sharing, and ForgeFed is almost alone trying to use ActivityPub for collaborative resource access and complex distributed authorization.
I think content sharing services can also benefit from ocaps, in areas such as reply control or spam protection. I touched this topic here: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fep-5624-per-object-reply-control-policies/2723/33 (although something simpler, like a verifiable credential, might be more appropriate for reply control use case).
>ZCAP, while evolving over the years, is still a draft, still changing, and still relies on Linked Data signatures, which are a big burden, requiring an implementation of complicated JSON-LD algorithms
ZCAP spec seems to be aligned with Data Integrity spec, so it should be possible to use other signature suites like jcs-eddsa-2022 (as in FEP-8b32).
>OCAPs have a start time and an expiration time
If your representations have Data Integrity proofs, you may use created and expires properties (related issue: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/issues/78)
cc @h