If you ever wondered "what kind of person would actually reduce themselves to choosing to believe something that's obviously not true."
Well, pity, party of a lot soon. 😏
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@thomasroiloup Is that true about Lucas?
The prequels weren't good, but at least they weren't the sequels
@coolboymew @thomasroiloup THEY ARE GOOD
@WeissenSocken88 @thomasroiloup the first one is immensely boring
@coolboymew @thomasroiloup NO IT'S NOT
@WeissenSocken88 @coolboymew @thomasroiloup All nine episodes are unwatchable garbage and you should feel bad.
@Nou @WeissenSocken88 @thomasroiloup nah, the original trilogy is legit. Except maybe the last one, fuck that Ewoks shit
It's confirmed that there seemed to be a rumor about a meeting to prepare for a sale of lucasfilm and all production of anything not already almost completed is ceased. The only question is whether the buyer is Lucas.
We should all assume that even if it's true, he could be compromised. It seems like every time it appears someone good is taking over a thing they cuck.
@Nou @WeissenSocken88 @thomasroiloup I actually had no real nostalgia, I legitimately saw them in order (yes, really) and it was quite a few years after 3 that I finally watched 4, 5 and 6 on TV as a early 20 or so man a while ago
@coolboymew @WeissenSocken88 @thomasroiloup I'm sorry friend, but 4, 5, and 6 are also formulaic, poorly written, trite garbage.
People just let their nostalgia glasses blind them to the fact that virtually everything they hated about the prequels is true of the OT.