PlayStation is dead in Japan
- xianc78 likes this.
wow. That's pretty dramatic.
@coolboymew good job sony, alienated your own home turf
@wildgoose The Xbox market is even less strong than this. I don't remember ever seeing an Xbox game ever rank. At some point the monthly 360 sales were in the very low hundreds
is there a reason why xbox isn't included at all? Is there even an xbox market there to speak of?
@coolboymew now lets see how deck performs
God, I hope not. Based Japan telling Bill Gates to fucking kill himself.
@c @wildgoose xbox is a massive failure there to the level where I think games releases without a translation
oh they're going by game sales and not consoles. Makes sense now.
That's really nice to hear. :)
@camedei456 @wildgoose It made by fucking Artoon, they had no chance. Artoon is the dev that is just such a monumental fuck up, that they were given Yoshi Island, as is, on the DS, and managed to make some of the worst game music in existance and a horrendous level design, turning a 10/10 game into a 4/10 game
@coolboymew @wildgoose
Remember when a cat was taking on Mario and Sonic?
Guess who won out?
I'm partial to the possum rip-off of the sonic franchise. Mom bought me this when I had chickenpox and the batman returns game.
@coolboymew @wildgoose
>Yoshi Island, as is, on the DS
I don't recall Yoshi's Island DS being as bad as New Yoshi's Island, though,
@wildgoose @coolboymew
Guitar Hero was one of those games I saw played at kiosks in public and I thought it was stupid. A relative of mine bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii and made me try and it surprisingly was a fun arcade style rhythm game.
I remember when the guitars were abundant and cheap and people would literally pay you to take them off their hands now retro game stores want like $50+ for the controllers some are $100+ if they're like the wired 360 xplorer controller.
The 360 Xplorer and Wii Les Pauls are the most desired guitars because they're the most compatible with Clone Hero on PC.
I kinda wish Activision would make another modern gen game with peripherals that are compatible with modern systems It's been long enough the games would probably get some sales success so long as they don't milk the series to death like they did last time.
one of my best memories of high school was my bandmate Randy having our whole metal band over at his house on weekends and us watching wrestling and playing DDR. He was this long-haired hippy looking dude but he was super Christian and his family was super cool and would get pizza for us and make pina coladas
@wildgoose @coolboymew
The only reason the Wii took it off so well was because of the Wii sports pack-in. Soo many non gamers bought a Wii just because of Wii sports. My dad hasn't gamed since the original nintendo but he ran out and bought a wii because of the bowling mini game in Wii sports.
yea i was shocked to visit both my mom and my dad and they each had their own nintendo wiis lol. I bought my mom Guitar Hero one christmas and she loved it.
@coolboymew @wildgoose
The 360 they atleast put a lot of effort to try and get into the market over there. The had a decent start in Japan but fell apart after 2009 but it was around that time Microsoft tried to push Kinect instead of what made the original 360 fun and that was the games and no gimmicks. When Microsoft tried to chase Kinect because they wanted the casual Wii market and television it alienated the core gamer audience which is why the original Xbox One didn't do so hot on top of people being luke warm with the 360's hardware being faulty but that was mostly the fault of TSMC using the wrong underfill for the GPU chips that caused the chips to prematurely fail from stress during thermal cycles.
The Kinect was a strategic blunder because they were trying to emulate Nintendo's quirkiness and that's just not going to happen.
@coolboymew >pokemon in number 1 and 3
>bdsp making the list at all
I don't trust the tastes of someone whose favorite meal is diarrhea.
@wildgoose @camedei456 @coolboymew I recently played Mario 64 overclocked to 60fps and upscaled to 4k and it was pretty satisfying
@wildgoose @camedei456 @coolboymew I would think it plays almost perfectly these days given the right emulator setup
Yoshis Story was one of my top ten n64 games. I tried playing an emulator version a few years back but it was really broken graphically to the point where it was unplayable. Hope it gets ported to the switch (maybe it has already?)
@wildgoose @camedei456 @coolboymew I've seen various PC ports that did look nice, but I was pretty satisfied just playing it on the emulator with a CRT filter.
Having a 4k monitor really changes the game for CRT filter effects. You can even make upscaled 2D elements look pretty fucking decent.
ive seen the pc port of that and was really impressed
@wildgoose @coolboymew @ooignignoktoo i remember my fucking high school having a wii in the library, not the most quiet of places
@wildgoose @coolboymew no wonder why ps5 is losing, it has no games
@coolboymew @c @wildgoose i remember them still trying to get a catch of the JP market fairly recently, 3 or 4 years ago. a few of the xbox presentations they hosted had a notable amount of JRPGs and translations of them brought to the west under their name, but it's always multi-plat. It's likely some contractual thing since they really don't do it anymore.
The most notable of which was the time they brought PSO2 to the west after it only left in japan for nearly a decade. It was originally xbox exclusive but when it hit steam it fucking exploded in population- which was how I spent most of my 2020 quarantine on. Now it's on switch and playstation.