@11112011 It isn't necessary to terminate encryption to combat child abuse. You could make the same argument for any crime putting a camera and microphone on every citizen would solve all crime. I think this will be used to investigate groups of protesters organizing on encrypted channels. I think Spain is nervous about Catalonian separatists. All those protesters in Barcelona organized on encrypted channels. It's going to be used for every type of dissent.
@diceynes @11112011 saying it targets CSAM helps get people to support it. It used to be that targeting terrorists was good enough, but after 20 years of eroding everyone's rights they need a new hand to play.
Exactly the argument of not doing something illegal isn't a argument to be under mind control by the government. This is about the nature of humans. I think humans have a issue with someone controlling how they behave. If they commit a crime they should be investigated by normal means. This is like saying we should put a chip inside every person's brain in case they will commit a crime. And it would be ok because uhh I'm not a criminal.
@diceynes @11112011 pic related
@11112011 @diceynes @thatguyoverthere i mean putting a chip in everyone's head, I saw a poll once where zoomers were asked if you could change people's brains to make them not racist they overwhelmingly supported doing it.
@Moon @diceynes @thatguyoverthere
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17-14-20 Law Enforcement Working Party document encryption.png
@diceynes @11112011 @thatguyoverthere we're inches away from mass support for that from idiots, so
@Moon @11112011 @diceynes thankfully neuralink has a while before it won't just kill the subject