@bronze@RustyCrab I have to avoid corn due to an allergy. It's absolutely disgusting how they put it in almost everything sold in the US, including drinks. The only safe way to avoid it is to home-make everything, which is a good life skill for everyone to have in general.
@RustyCrab food safety and health consciousness used to be a leftist thing until they dropped it for gay niggers. If you're up for some documentaries watch these: King Corn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbRHGHYMGpU Food Inc: https://watchdocumentaries.com/food-inc/ I'm glad this is getting picked up again in "our" circles. No one deserves to eat this garbage, the result of the contempt of our kike masters and their minimum wage underlings. Its quite literally goy feed.
@RustyCrab you're just finding out about them? They don't give a fuck what they put in the goyfeed man, and the best part is if its bad for you you're now a permanent client for their medical industry. ENJOY GOY!
@kirby microplastics are just basically small plastic shards that are on and in everything including food due to industrialization. I've only ever heard the alt right talking about them. I looked them up and expected "why white supremacists blah blah blah blah" but instead I get actually concern from "experts". Legitimately fucking shocking
@RustyCrab@shedinja I find it fascinating that next to war, endocrine disrupters are probably the largest threat to our species but we're stuck on cow farts and vaccines