Metal as fuck
@rainignterror1080p @ryuuji i think ive had more fun with the farming in BL3 than 2
but im not trying to say that its overall better than bl2
bl2 did have the better dlcs and invincibility phases on bosses are CANCER
@AstolfoCockVore @rainignterror1080p the only thing i dislike about BL2 is that it was filled with shitty meme speak every two lines.
The things that i dislike about 3 is that it became woke shit, making characters gay just because and a satire to streaming culture, Troy and Tyreen dont even feel like real big bad guys despite all the hype and how forced the game is trying to paint them to you.
Their dialogs are fun though.
@AstolfoCockVore @ryuuji Pre sequel was bad but it was made in australia so it wasn't going to be good anyway but 3 is worse the only good thing about 3 is the handsome casino and that's because it's a big nostalgia hook for fans of 2
@ryuuji lol the worst in the franchise imo :Aru_Laugh:
@rainignterror1080p @ryuuji are you forgetting about pre sequel :nigga_stare:
@AstolfoCockVore @rainignterror1080p yesm but BL2 had TOO MANY, there wasnt enough space between each meme. You'd be hamfisted 3 memes in 1 line
@ryuuji @rainignterror1080p
>was filled with shitty meme speak every two lines.
thats all of them tho :thinkinghrr: