jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:30 JST jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄
My raw Vril energy has secured another gorgeous bartender's number tonight -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:27 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Any child can be racist and/or antisemitic. It doesn't require a whole lot of critical thinking skills.
How 'bout you try adulting for once in your miserable life and stop feeling so entitled because you're a WASP?
Nobody owes you anything. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:27 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Imagine using the term "adulting" unironically. I couldn't fit that much cock in my mouth if I unhinged my jaw. -
Waldbrand ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:28 JST Waldbrand
@william @johnbudd1350 >Formerly the Most Dangerous Man on Twitter.
Dangerous for Whom, faggot. -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:28 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Faggot? Is that your professional opinion? -
Waldbrand ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:28 JST Waldbrand
@william @johnbudd1350 Nigger. You claim that you don't want Anti-Semeties or Racist on your Instance but also say you're dangerous to Twitter, doesn't work that way. -
jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:29 JST jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:20:29 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Jalapeno poppers? -
fishsticks ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:23:59 JST fishsticks
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 >Nobody owes you anything
Society owes me a barefoot pregnant wife and a house at the bare minimum. Sorry you don't have standards for yourself and others. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:23:59 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@fishsticks @william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Boomers owe it to their forebears to leave behind something for their descendants, as their parents did for them. They chose to squander everything they were given on themselves and called later generations "entitled" for being upset about this. -
fishsticks ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:26:28 JST fishsticks
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Modern society gives niggers infinity resources for free every day and they literally contribute negative value to any society they occupy. You are retarded. -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:26:28 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Oh, right, that's why there's so many homeless black people! Because of all the free shit they get, and literally infinite supplies of it.
Yet you think I'm retarded. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:26:28 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@william @Waldbrand @fishsticks @johnbudd1350 They're homeless because they're schizo drug addicts who get kicked out of shelters and whatnot. -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:26:29 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Society doesn't owe you anything. You have to work for it. -
mmmfeet ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:28:01 JST mmmfeet
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Lol -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:28:01 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Hate to break it to you, but if you're a racist it's because your parents taught you to be one.
You weren't born that way. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:28:01 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet All humans are born at least a little racist. We aren't blank slates and natural instincts are a thing. -
mmmfeet ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:28:02 JST mmmfeet
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Did you come to your opinion of racism and antisemitism on your own or did you internalize the messaging of a lifetime of mainstream media consumption -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 00:28:02 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
I'm going to answer this the same way I answer about religion: I don't need a book to tell me right from wrong. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 04:28:23 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@ChristiJunior @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet @william Ideally I'd like for humans to be less racist. Mostly in terms of non-whites not being so racist against whites. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 04:28:24 JST Christi Junior
@ArdainianRight @william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet Also, "racism" is nothing but natural, normal and healthy in-group preference. -
Vivi Nella Verita :Debian_logo: ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 04:29:43 JST Vivi Nella Verita :Debian_logo:
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet
and them fucking "Fellow whites"Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 04:30:58 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@verita84 @ChristiJunior @william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet They especially need to stop calling us shit like "the cancer of the human race." -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 05:43:48 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@william @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 @mmmfeet You're gonna get your morality from somewhere. If not from a book it'll come from the broader culture. I prefer the received wisdom of the ages to the cesspool we're stuck in now. Damn near everyone who says they "don't need a book to tell them right from wrong" inevitably just goes to Reddit to get a gayer, shallower, and more primitive morality. -
William A. Ferguson 🏴 ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 05:52:46 JST William A. Ferguson 🏴
Oh look, another grievance gerbil who thinks white people are so fucking awesome they should just get everything handed to them just because they're white. -
Radians ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 05:52:46 JST Radians
@william @Waldbrand @fishsticks @johnbudd1350 White people are fucking awesome, thank you for noticing. If I have a grievance, it is that you seem to not be able to separate the idea of free stuff from social expectations. It is a very jewish perspective.
I hope when someday a 90 iq nigger stabs you, your dying realization is without ethnic homogeneity, you don't have a nation. -
Radians ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2023 05:52:47 JST Radians
@william @fishsticks @Waldbrand @johnbudd1350 Oh look, another bootstraps and free markets civnat.