the rightoid obsession with george soros is funny since he's a relatively minor billionaire and philantropist but, yknow,
@chjara What are you talking about, he's quite literally one of the neo-liberal final bosses. Money that just keeps finding itself in shit ass activism groups that doesn't benefit everyone. So called billionaires """""philanthropists"""" are probably one of the biggest current plague right now
I was once told "Nooo, it's just a rightoid conspiracy theory", which then I went to check Snopes which had a massive cope article "Nooo, Soros has organisations which do give money to activists organisations, but it's not like he gives the money himself" in which years later in an interview he outright says he give money to activists organisations, such as anti-brexit for example in the interview, which caused talks of banning him from the UK... along with a shitload of accusations that he's funding the migrant crisis
@coolboymew i'm not saying he isn't bad i'm saying he gets a disproportionately large amount of shit when other philantropist billionaires do much of the same kinds of donation
@chjara that's starting to turn around, a lot
Bill Gates is one of them that keeps doing sus shit, also apparently the direct cause of the Moderna (was it?) vaccine costing money, as he was involved IIRC, which also, was one of the vaccine recently removed in some place if I'm not mistaken. As usual, the investors will never be taken responsible for anything