"The discourse of straight-acting produces and reproduces anti-femininity and homophobia (Clarkson. 2006). For example, feminine gay men are often labeled "fem," "bitchy," "pissy," "sissy," or "queen" (e.g., Christian, 2005; Clarkson, 2006; Payne,2007). They are perceived as if they perform like "women," spurring straight-acting gay men to have negative attitudes toward feminine-acting gay men (Clarkson, 2006; Payne, 2007;Ward, 2000). This is called sissyphobia (Bergling, 2001). Kimmel (1996) supports that "masculinity has been (historically) defined as the flight from women and the repudiation of femininity" (p. 123). Thus, sissyphobia plays as the communication strategy for straight-acting gay men to justify and empower their masculinity. (p. 38)."
What does straight-acting gay men even mean?
@sim I'm pretty sure that's just men who have sex with men but don't walk around advertising their preference full time.
@thatguyoverthere Could be. I wonder if they also prefer men to be men rather than imitating women/girls?
@sim I think that's what the quote is suggesting. They're calling it sissyphobia which I guess they consider a sub category of homophobia.