It's pointless bc that doesn't solve his problem. In a way, he has the same problem Kanye West had (although in a different scale): someone is illegally interfering with business partners/providers via blackmail or extortion.
This is already illegal, but it's hard and expensive to prove, plus you need the other victim to be willing to go through the ordeal and expenses the Jewdicial System puts people through. Companies won't do this for a client that pays a few thousands a months top.
And there won't be a mass of customers that walk from a provider bc "we could be next, MUH PRINCIPLES". It's too much of a hassle, no one gives a fuck (LOLberg ideas fail again)
National Socialists favor a fair, cheap and expedite judicial system, but despise a site of doxxing and drama.
Conservatives will carry water for MUH private company
Libtards carry water for troons running the internet
The only remaining solution for KF is a technological one that doesn't depend on DNS and is distributed. But Josh says it's on the plain web or nothing.
There is people willing to go to the mat for a political cause/ideology and suffer consequences. I doubt it's the same for a gossip forum. No one has skin in the game on that. Yeah people use it and maybe even give some money, but if things get hard enough they'll do something else. No one really cares that much about troons or dramaniggers or LOLcows
@MechaSilvio the people who care that much about troons aren't posting online they're writing laws or being activists because they have skin in the game after groomers tried to or got to their kids.
@MechaSilvio KF will suffer the same fate as 2chan As in it will be "officially" sold to the glowniggers (same staff, same name, same management, new contract)