Niggers are LITERALLY not talented or pretty/handsome enough to be adored by non-americans.
People CHOOSE other genres beyond nigger-rap to get AWAY from y'all. Nobody has EVER turned on the classical music station in their car in the hopes of listening to a nigger or a nigger orchestra.
While a non-trivial number of South Koreans are in the process of becoming familiar with nigger-worship, it's extremely uncomon still.
Beyond this simple matter of how realistic something like this would ever be, lets us not forget that for kikes this isn't even an issue. The behavior in the tweet? Yeah kikes are okay bankrolling a loss like this in order to foster solidarity between niggers and hatred of Whites amongst niggers and nigger-lovers.
But it does raise an interesting question:
>are niggers ALL bout dat LOOT?
>would they embrace their hatred of White people and take the loss like a jew?