>USA plan
>USA finance
>USA/NATO equipment
>USA/NATO commanders
>USA/NATO personnel pretending to be international volunteers/PMC
The recruitment crisis is getting bad enough that it's between the draft or just ceasing to have a military, which would make enforcing sodomy in Timbuktu very difficult. I know some people on here have suggested just moving towards using mainly mercenaries but the ZOG knows enough about what happened when the Saudis did that to know that's probably not a good idea.
@Shadowman311 @Kang_Kong2 How successful do ypu think a US draft will be in the current year +8?
Not successful at all but that won't stop them from trying.
Yeah, the escalation is basically already started, the next steps are "limited deployment of existing army in KEEEEEEEEEEEV and other cities" then full deployment of existing army and then "well, time for a draft! (likely after the economy crashes)"