@josh my take is if you're a westoid urbanite you should know never get involved in anything ever. If someone is being murdered you keep walking. You step over a dead body, you don't even check if they're still alive.
People were talking about that guy who was casually slipping coffee in front of dude bleeding out in Canada. That's how it is. The zoomer who recorded the footage got shit for saying "if I don't know you, your life means nothing to me". People were shocked, I was shocked people were shocked.
The classic story about the New York rape where no one called the police is not unreasonable at all. People are constantly screaming and having mental breakdowns on the streets, who knows whats real and what isn't. You'll just get in trouble anyways.
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My take on the NYC subway strangling is that if you live in a progressive shithole city around niggers you have earned your 1st degree murder charge for trying to defend life, liberty, and property.