soo how do you guys play JP fgo?
it doesnt show up on my DMM
@smugumin FGO isn't on dmm. You need to either get the apk for it(If free to play) or make a JP google account(If you want to buy quartz)
@Vidmastereon @smugumin From what I heard it's actually because google was having to cover the money conversion fees from USD to Yen. Making it impossible to play unless you have a JP google account puts the transfer rates on the banks instead. Unfortunately this gimps our discount a little, but not by much.
@Kyonko802 @smugumin call me crazy but i think google region locked payments because global server weebshit was getting shafted by the jp region
@smugumin You have to play through lostbelt 2 to bet Illya and Prillya is event limited lmao
@Kyonko802 ogey
DL'ing it now
gonna get my draco and my illya and quit the game :chad0:
@smugumin it gets a bit better later but they still fuck up Osakabehime unfortunately. If you decide to play again all the new story chapters have fan translations too. There's an app called FGO translate you can use.
@Kyonko802 yes i know i will wait for her,
i have prillya on global but when i saw the quirky TL quality in camelot arc i barfed and quit
@Kyonko802 @smugumin Wait, Illya is locked behind Lostbelt 2? I thought my luck was just shit during the collab and rerun.
That's one of the aspects I hate about FGO. Locking characters in the gacha pool behind main quest progress. Fuck anyone who thought that was a good idea.
@Ronnie21093 @smugumin no you can still get her on highlight banners you just have shit luck lmao
She's locked on story banner until you complete it
@Kyonko802 @smugumin Oh. :senko_shock:
Still not a fan of locking gacha characters behind main quest progress, though.
@Ronnie21093 @smugumin I think it's dumb too but if they did it to the rate up banners I wouldn't be playing the game. That would beyond bullshit lmao