Roundhouse kick a transhumanist into the concrete
@MercurialBlack @ai First of all you have it backwards, and second of all most phobias aren’t irrational and I think only a cruel idiot would classify them that way. Arachnophobia is probably the most common and is completely rational, albeit inconvenient.
@MercurialBlack @ai Phobic doesn’t mean irrational it’s just a Greek suffix that means fear
That's what it's been twisted into in current English
@MercurialBlack @ai That’s so gay holy moly. Phobic is significantly more accurate though tbh
Nah I absolutely disagree oftentimes it's not irrational
It's like transphobic but with 'hate' instead of 'irrational fear'.
I like the suffix misic and it's becoming more popular with the kids these days so that makes me happy
Only transmisic to be morally consistent with antitranshumanism
@MercurialBlack @ai What the hell is transmisic? Is that your new gender?
> claims to be an “urbanist” and proud of it
> wants the city to be accessible in minutes
> doesn’t even enjoy urban materials inside their own cranium
> mfw
What no arachnaphobia is irrational. It's like an ingrained fear 'cuz our ancestors were killed by spiders but nowadays it's vestigial, most spiders aren't gonna kill you.