I just realized why solar is so gay (beyond the immediately obvious reasons): All prior energy production methods have without exception been about either boiling water, turning a wheel, or both. A solar panel does none of these. It is a complete and intentional break from tradition and completely soulless.
@BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra how do you incinerate a thing that doesn't exist #birdsarentreal
@JosephNotASlav they use solar mirrors to boil water in solar farms, lmao
@mkultra @JosephNotASlav As a sad bonus, they completely incinerate birds unlucky enough to fly through the Archimedes deathzone.
@thatguyoverthere @JosephNotASlav @mkultra As a reminder, #birdsarentreal is a disinformation psyop designed to discredit "conspiracy theorists" after protestors 10+ years ago noticed some suspicious hummingbird spy drones. It was during "Occupy" that this originally happened and they finally admitted these drones exist several years later before the idea was psyopped into being Q-adjacent.
@BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra still funny do
@Nou @thatguyoverthere @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I like birds. Sometimes. I wish deer were a mythological creature that didn't exist.
@BowsacNoodle @Nou @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I love birds. Just yesterday I was gifted with a chance to see a pretty rough fight between two cardinals. I raise my own flock of chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese, and I have multiple feeders and even a few bird houses around the property. I just think the meme is funny, especially since I farm birds :blobsmirk:
I also think deer are great as long as you don't have a problem with them eating saplings and stuff or you smack one on the road with your car. That can suck, but venison tastes good, and deer are pretty cool to see in the woods.
@BowsacNoodle @thatguyoverthere @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I just wish wing niggers weren't real...
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra Antler niggers are almost as bad as wing niggers.
They come in my backyard and rile up my dog for no reason. And he's old and a good boy and doesn't deserve to be riled up.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra yeah I can appreciate the desire to keep them out of your own space. I have a lot of younger trees they'd likely kill if they ended up in my yard, and the dogs would definitely lose their shit, but in the wilderness they are pleasant IMO.
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra For sure.
Wing niggers on the other hand are a scourge wherever they are.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra mine help feed me and my dogs, and they do most of the work to make the compost I use on my plants. The wild birds eat mosquitos and shit (also my fruit which sucks, but eventually there will be enough fruit growing to feed all of us I hope).
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra They also crap everywhere, scream at all hours of the night and day, stand in flocks in the middle of the road for hours on end, nest in your vents, etc.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra crapping everywhere is a pain, especially if you have mulberries or something for them to feast on and they shit more colorful shits. I'd prefer birds over sirens any day if i have to choose a night soundscape though. The fact that they don't give a shit about human nonsense is part of what I like about them, but that does mean they might choose to set up a nest where I don't want one.
@BowsacNoodle @thatguyoverthere @JosephNotASlav @mkultra now they are making new drones with dead birds, but the hummingbird drones were scary enough.
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra >I'd prefer birds over sirens any day if i have to choose a night soundscape though
Ask me how I know you've never lived around loons...
Or those piece of trash Canada geese who perch on my roof right over my living room and just honk endlessly.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra my geese are pretty noisy during this time of year because they see everything as a threat to their eggs. My rooster is always pretty noisy, and he doesn't hesitate to crow at night if there are predators around. The only loons I've lived around are humans though.
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I have this one piece of trash loon that lives in the marsh behind my house. 24/7 for 6 months out of the year "AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
with no break. I can't even sleep with my window open in the summer because there it is screaming about how it wants to fornicate.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra you could always catch and eat it :thinka:
@thatguyoverthere @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra Actually I can't. Loons fall under the migratory bird treaty. Also, apparently they taste horrible.
@Nou @BowsacNoodle @JosephNotASlav @mkultra damn that sucks.
@BowsacNoodle @Nou @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I think any single species might get old after a while. My yard screams sometimes in the really early AM, but it's 10 different kinds of bird going at once not just one asshat repeating himself forever.
@Nou @thatguyoverthere @JosephNotASlav @mkultra I wonder if a loon would be worse than a whippoorwill? These things do this noise all night.