Encrypted messaging might feel like an “extreme” conception of privacy until you consider the vast number of things we once did in surveillance-resistant private settings that now routinely take place online. It’s like complaining people are allowed to buy homes without hidden microphones because they might plan crimes in them.
Adi Robertson (thedextriarchy@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 29-Dec-2022 07:03:24 JST Adi Robertson -
Adi Robertson (thedextriarchy@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 29-Dec-2022 07:03:25 JST Adi Robertson Always a good day for the NYT when it can publish a technology take that gives me a spontaneous eyelid twitch. https://twitter.com/kurtopsahl/status/1608187446151512065
alcinnz repeated this.