I see freelancing as an excuse to cut corners. A boom in freelancing is the result of corporate lobbying at multiple state legislatures (while everyone was distracted with COVID/UKRAINE) to deliberately misclassify workers to deny them fair pay and benefits.
They succeeded in CA and WA, and tried in MA.
I have an account with a freelance site, and many of the listed jobs say that a paycheck could take up to a month to arrive, and force most expenses on prospects with no guarantee they will be hired.
For someone who had recently lost their job, waiting a month for a paycheck is an unacceptable request. No reasonable person would sign up for that. No one. So the idea that 73% are OK with this is bullshit.
I want my slice of the American Dream (homeownership, a nice grill, etc) and that's impossible to do with contract work, especially when it's less than 12 months.
(c) Forbes | story by Edward Seagal | 13dec2022
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