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@apropos @zemichi @coolboymew cursive scripts are a secret cipher to make sure most people won't be able to read what you wrote
@zemichi @coolboymew Amazon review of a Russian language book:
>The rest of the book with the dialogues is written in standard, serif font that translates perfectly, But in the beginning, there are survival phrases written in cursive, where the Cyrillic letters aren't right. I have to look at the English phonetic underneath I know 90% of these phrases and know whent they are wrong! Cpacibo is cpacubo. Izvinite is izbunume. How does a t turn into an m? Why are the letter i's turning into u? I almost tossed the book until I got to the section with the actual dialogues and saw that it's normal looking, but the hundred or so survival phrases come with issues.
>How does a t turn into an m?
Yes, how does it?! It's crazy, isn't it!
But it's legit Russian, and not a defect in the book.
@zemichi @coolboymew From Dyslexia to Ayslexia.