Josh, and the rest of the pro-bono social workers at kiwi farms, have the same sort of burnout you see in an emergency room doctor. They’ve spent so long watching people come in through the door with every time of energy, they see every possible interest in the worst light.
“I want a trampoline!”
“No way, that’s how you end up paralized, every kid I’ve ever seen with a trampoline is a cripple”
“I want a playstation!”
“nope, not happening, I see weird shut-ins with platstations killing themselves all the time”
“I wanna get a job! Can I be a paperboy?”
“no way, that’s how you end up spending money on drugs! Better to keep you safe in the house”
“okay can I join the lacrosse team?”
“HELL NO, you’ll DESTROY your knees! That’s so dangerous!!!!”
And so on forever.