Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 09:37:01 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
Who do you think is the worst historical dictator to simp for? I'm gonna go with Chairman Mao. That disgusting little peasant gremlin destroyed one of the world's oldest cultures and civilizations and hollowed China out, so that even after his retarded economic policies were undone China still remains an uncultured husk. Hitler and Stalin are objectively too cool to really be seriously considered even if they did some bad stuff. Anyone who simps for Mao who isn't a brainwashed CCP subject is pure slime. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:45:50 JST Christi Junior
@ArdainianRight Enver Hoxha, because simping for him not only means you're a truly devoted communist (or Albanian), but it also means you're a turbo-Fedora who thinks that every problem in the world would be solved if we could just Ban Religion. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
CoQ_10 ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:45:54 JST CoQ_10
@ArdainianRight He also has the highest body count. The killing kind. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
313Chris:hellokitty_headbang: ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:46:31 JST 313Chris:hellokitty_headbang:
@ArdainianRight Although he wasn’t a dictator, I nevertheless despise anyone who simps for Che Guevara. Just the sight of that privileged little maggot’s portrait on t-shirts and murals makes me wish I had been alive in Bolivia in 1967 so I could have killed him myself. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:49:04 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@admin The massive overlap in faggots who worship both Mao and Che is not a coincidence. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:49:23 JST salty_apollyon
@admin @ArdainianRight any reason for that? Ardainian Hebrew Israelite repeated this. -
313Chris:hellokitty_headbang: ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:49:24 JST 313Chris:hellokitty_headbang:
@rlier23 @ArdainianRight Because like all communists, Che was a spoiled brat from an affluent background who larped as a revolutionary, but didn’t comprehend what it is to actually work for a living and thus respect the value of it. Communists always thump their chests about capitalists exploiting the working class, but nobody had ever abused and exploited the worker more barbarically than the communist. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
☻ ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 11:59:07 JST ☻
@ArdainianRight Pol Pot, since he was just a retarded thug LARPing as Mao. Same butchering of his people's culture, just with retarded anprim policies like sending office dwellers to collective farms and killing everyone with eyeglasses because they "looked smart." xianc78 and Ardainian Hebrew Israelite like this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 12:01:12 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@mrsaturday Pol Pot managed to kill a larger percentage of his population in a shorter amount of time. Admittedly Cambodian culture isn't as important as Chinese, but he's still a worthy pick. -'s status on Friday, 14-Apr-2023 12:05:00 JST xianc78
@mrsaturday @ArdainianRight Just his name alone sounds stupid. For whatever reason, every time I hear his name I think of /pol/ even though he was a communist.
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