Keep this little one in your thoughts today as he’s just had a lump removed. The poor trooper. He’s apparently drowsy but doing all right. We should be able to go pick him up soon.
Keep this little one in your thoughts today as he’s just had a lump removed. The poor trooper. He’s apparently drowsy but doing all right. We should be able to go pick him up soon.
@aral get well soon, pupper! :BlobhajBlanketBlue:
@lashman 💕
@aral Wishing him a speedy recovery!
@stefan Thanks, Stefan. It’s going to be a rough few days but 🤞
@SeaFury Thank you 💕
@aral :bunneawwheart: sending healing mantras :dogroll:
@anatudor Thanks, Ana 💕
@aral Wishing Osky a speedy recovery! 🐺
@photovotary Thank you 💕
@aral :bear_hugs: 🧡 Wishing him a speedy recovery.
@helligbird Thank you, 🤞
@aral oh, hope he gets a fast recovery ☺️
@aral 🫂🐕🍀❤️
@Grey Thanks so much 💕
@aral oh my god what a beautiful angel! All of the love. ♥️♥️♥️
@adrian 💕
@aral ❤️ poor boy. Feel better soon, Osky!
@lydiaschoch @SallyStrange Thanks, Lydia :)
@aral @SallyStrange Good luck, Oksy!
@aral Sending him healing thoughts! Hope he will be okay. 🤗
@margodeweerdt Thank you, Margo. We’re back home now and he’s just starting to settle down. 💕
So Osky’s back home and the vet is very happy with how the surgery went. The poor little thing has a drain, which isn’t fun, but apparently the sarcoma was entirely contained within fatty tissue, which is good (the vet said that he basically got lipo suction). He’s bright-eyed, has an appetite, and is back on his feet already so fingers crossed. Sleeping downstairs with him tonight.
@brunogirin Thanks, Bruno, he’s getting tonnes of ‘em :)
@aral good to hear, give him lots of hugs!
@jbaert Fingers crossed, seems to be. I’ll exhale once we’ve got the drain out :)
@aral Yay I hope he's doing well!
@SeaFury Thank you so much 💕
@aral 👏 ❤️ glad to hear the good news. I have been thinking about him. Animals seem more real to me than humans.
@adrian Thanks, Adrian 💕
@aral Such good news! Wishing him the very best, and some treats to go with it. Keep us posted, I love seeing Osky pop up in my tl 🙂
@Npix3 Thank you (and thank you) :) 💕
@aral Big hugs and what a beautiful dog! ❤️
@aral we are rooting for you all
@jbaert 💕
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