@s8n No, cpu servers, the plan 9 concept, you can direct all CPU tasks to some different server. But you'll still have your files and stuff around on the file server and users will still be able to auth in the auth server..
@s8n It's distributed computing. You direct all tasks your Central Processing Unit would do off to a different server. I don't understand what you're trying to communicate here. No terminology has changed.
@nyanide I read enough of that to get to the part where "cpu" does not mean "central processing unit" and decided everyone involved in the creation and use of this must be retarded or that never would have happened and closed it
@s8n I don't think anybody that uses Plan 9 is retarded so the chance of confusing the command cpu with the Central Processing Unit is unlikely.
Though 9front did change the name of the cpu command to rcpu and gave it a better encryption algorithm, and I think those are good changes. So perhaps a change of the command name is warranted.
"cpu" means something. You can't just start calling your shit "cpu". There is a huge mental cost to swapping out some retarded fucking keyword for a different concept every time you see the term. Nobody who knows what he's doing has ever said "cpu server"
@nyanide one should not overload names. It's bad form and makes all communication harder for no reason. People who think they're smarter than other people do it on purpose and it's a major sign of troon infestation.
How would you feel if I made a program you can run in the console that will access your USB GPS receiver and print your location and named it "nvidia"