An impact crater, roughly 1.5 km wide, on the surface of Mars, captured by the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 257 km above the planets surface.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Uarizona
An impact crater, roughly 1.5 km wide, on the surface of Mars, captured by the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 257 km above the planets surface.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Uarizona
Crater located in Meridiani Planum (-0.422°, 357.200°E), captured 29 January 2019. Full size source images:
@wonderofscience it looks a bit like an eyeball!
@wonderofscience If pyramids are found, should we assume they had help from earthlings?
@wonderofscience Looks like … A flower?
@wonderofscience does this hurt the Mars?
Zur Entspannung mal was Nettes:
"Ein etwa 1,5 km breiter Einschlagskrater auf der Marsoberfläche, aufgenommen von der HiRISE-Kamera auf dem Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 257 km über der Oberfläche des Planeten.
Bildnachweis: NASA/JPL/Uarizona"
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