There are no "LGBTQ+ people." Some people might be innately predisposed to sodomy like one might be predisposed towards alcoholism, but that does not define you and you have the ability to reject said temptations. Christians need to outright reject the framing of fag propagandists, and those who accept such framing are not Christians.
@ArdainianRight I have been for ages now.
I even got kicked out of a Halloween party for doing so. But I don't care, and I'll continue sticking to the facts.
@smugumin I mean they're predisposed to sin for reasons outside of their control. They do nevertheless have a responsibility to try to live a virtuous life.
@ArdainianRight >Some people might be innately predisposed
they're not "predisposed", they're sick with butt parasites that alter their behavior in order to reproduce through anal/scat play. you know the zombie snails? 16% of straights have parasites vs 80% of gay. its why gov tried so hard to demonize ivermectin. look up ParasitePill.pdf :tinfoilsmug: