@rlier23 In my family, we've got a couple. Extend out to the neighbors, and we add one or two. From there, the townies, and I get one or two more still. I talk to older guys at work - all quite well to do, so the class argument coutns for a lot - and they will describe their daughters being "plenty cute, but she doesn't GO anywhere, she doesn't DO anything. She just sits in her room all day, it's not healthy! But when I tell her to go out she just shrugs and asks "where?". I dunno, go LIVE! I used to die being at home at her age, and she's just perfectly fine with it....I just can't figure it out"
I try and ask (safely, since it's at work) how many shitskins his area has, because it seems quite connected to how much a cute white girl is willing to expose herself to the public. Chicks are going to school, (rarely work, they get harrassed by nigs once and run away forever) the store, the drive through, and then coming STRAIGHT back home to the comfort and safety of her nest.
The blacks, the mexis don't seem to have these problems, but they're also better equipped to deal with strange men in public. They're able to make a scene, start smacking, yelling, whatever they need to get the upper hand on a sexual aggressor. These girls are wallflowers, it freaks them out to have a gross (brown) man asking them out, and when a non-gross one asks them out they seize up in anxiousness.
Conflicting orders from school/feminism? Nervousness because they don't know how to set & maintain sexual boundaries? Smut books indulging their rape fetish teaching them that simply being alone with us in a car is a sure case of forced impregnation? I don't know, all seem to be a part of their thought process at some point. Some of them are real problems, some invented by their female brains. Nobody is talking them out of it though, when we do IRL they treat me like a horse whisperer though.