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@arstechnica One of the things I noticed with several models of smart TVs is that there is no way to configure the TV to start with a specific input selected (e.g. HDMI 1). The device always starts on its home screen which is basically a set of adds for the services sold by whomever is underwriting the cost of maintaining the TV's OS (e.g. Amazon for fireTV, Google for Google TV, etc.). The cable providers are being shut out because they don't control the screen.
@arstechnica Ultimately, this is what you get when you allow yourself to become overly dependent upon, or indebted to, a particular proprietary solution or a particular company's product or service.
I keep saying in various places that “Technology just isn’t fun any more,” and evidently Mr. Doctorow has not only agreed with me (at least sort of) but has produced a means test for proving that point.
@arstechnica I don’t think I can agree with the point about PDFs. If I save a PNG on my Mac, Spotlight can’t find it when I search for the text in it. But it can find the text in a PDF