@libreoffice I just installed LibreOffice the other day! As ridiculous as it is, it's a pain to set a custom font in Google and Microsoft's line of products so I decided to give your software a spin and it is amazing! Thank you!
@James_Steinhaus Text-to-speech is normally a feature provided by your operating system on a global base, and not individual apps. What operating system are you using?
@AskPippa Glad you like it! For the features you meant, you can already turn words into links by selecting them and then Insert > Hyperlink. What do you mean by "comments mode"? You can add comments to sections of text too.
@libreoffice@aquarianoak1 I started using it a couple months ago and am impressed with how smoothly it works. I'm recommending it to other writer friends. 2 features I would *like* to see in the word processor: embedding links in words; a comments mode.
@libreoffice I love Libre Office. I used it for a bit when I was still a Mac person, and after switching full time to Linux with Linux Mint, I then used it with my job almost every day for six years.
I found building tools in LO Calc was significantly easier than Excel.
@libreoffice One other point I'd like to make is that, given the current political and Wall Street climate in the U.S., the EU's response through passing the ACI, etc., I think breaking and eliminating dependence upon Microsoft and, in practice, any other American tech corporation, is in national, state, and even city-level security and economic interest.
I think adopting LibreOffice is a good first step, but you also need to switch to Linux, and Germany's own SUSE is an excellent choice.
@libreoffice the windows basic voice is mechanical. the one on their paid version of office is far more natural, it is far easer to use being integrated. I was an open office user but using that feature has massively improved my writing. my ears catch what my dyslexia misses
@jeanjo As the article says, "The northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein is moving 30,000 PCs from Microsoft Windows and Office to Linux and LibreOffice."