> The only possible justification for a microkernel is not technical. It's political: a microkernel is the only way to allow with any robustness the existence of black-box proprietary third-party binary modules that access and provide deep system resources without anyone having to disclose source code. Microkernels are technically the worst possible organization for system code of same functionality, and the fact that the proprietary closed-source development model encourages such horrors accounts for the deep evil behind that model. It has been suggested that a psychological reason behind the abstraction inversion is that, by a misled tradition, the "Operating System" community stubbornly refuses to mess with language issues (they claim "language independence"), and stick to designing system interfaces for bit-level languages; but we can also track this want of language "independence" to the political issue of proprietary software, since it is what induces the eager clustering of computing into hermetic fields where no one can modify or adapt (proprietary) code from other fields forces people into the paranoid "trust no one, never cooperate: even if you want to, you can't" behavior.
> Latest developments in microkernels (L4, Xok) amount to reducing as much as possible the semantics and overhead of the kernel, and putting everything in either servers or system libraries. The logical next step beyond these developments would be to reduce the microkernels to zero, naught, nada, and have everything in "modules" that constitute the system, and are high-level concepts without forcibly any obvious, one-to-one direct correspondence between the high-level compile-time modules limits and low-level run-time code barriers. Depending on the point of view, this leaves us either with "monolithic" systems, or with systems without a privileged kernel at all (such as systems built atop the Flux OSKit). Such is the right way, in our opinion: to provide high-level modular design, but without any kernel at all.