"I remember that guy" As if I'm gone. Quit being a nigger, I'm not a lolcow and the circumstance surrounding that was far more bullshit and nreasonable than any of you would have been able to handle either. Nobody gets out of that kind of fuckery unscathed, and while it's all fun to laugh and poke fun at it I can assure you that you are absolutely no better. And ay, fok u ronnie.
@Azur_Fenix @Ronnie21093 Niggertyu got pissy at me for being right that it shouldn't be so damn hard to make a soyjak. Dude thinks his time is worth more than ~5-15$ for a quick and low effort shitpost. The idea that labor to art is sacred is laughable, and there is no future for retards who can't understand that their labor value is waning.
@Mikuchi @Azur_Fenix
>Tries to comm artist to draw a soyjack
>No sane artist will do it for $15 bucks
>Bitches about it
Lmao :keku:
@Mikuchi Nah
@Ronnie21093 C'mon, assume the position. We both know you're a bottom.
Jokes aside, seriously, I doubt a single one of you guys in the same position would have handled it much better considering the actual scale of manipulation involved. Yes, fuck me for being a victim I guess sure I should've known better but there were too many ongoing factors and I was one of *thousands* that were tricked, I just so happened to be the one that stood up and got gunned down first.
I was a fool, yeah, one hundred percent, but at the very least I effectively destroyed them in the process of the whole thing. They certainly aren't impersonating Gura anymore.
As for the AI thing I'm never wrong come back in 10 years when I'm vindicated.
@Mikuchi @Ronnie21093 AI thing? Do tell I missed that? :shupo_what:
@Ronnie21093 Bend over
@Mikuchi Lmao fuck you too :keku:
@Ronnie21093 @Azur_Fenix