> successfully talked myself out of a a7c
> "why medium format is actually affordable"
hier gehen wir erneut
@lain i want an a7c
but not enough to buy it outright right now
if it magically manifested itself in front of me however..
@cell a7c and a7cr are very interesting, especially given that an a7cr in crop mode has the same resolution as the aps-c sonys, so you essentially get an aps-c camera too... but $$$
@icedquinn @cell i never heard about this one, very interesting
@cell @lain sometimes i wonder if i should sell my bmpcc. although they just dropped the price of them :blobcatonfire:
@lain @cell they are great cameras but they're fully intended to be used hollywood style (rigged with an operator.) they don't do things like autofocus.
the black magic community has no qualms about telling youtubers to go buy a sony instead