Brave search being gay now
Does anyone still use Kagi or was that just a viral marketing attempt a while back when everyone here was talking about it?
The whole "you need an account to pay to search but we don't track you we SUPER DUPER promise" concept always seemed suspicious to me. Every business in the world is driven by getting as much private information about users as they possibly can and selling it to the highest bidder. It's just too much of a temptation to resist.
@ins0mniak I may have to try it. I looked into Yacy a while back and was not impressed (owing not a small amount to it being written in Java), but it may be time to give it another try. Maybe I can get it to index on some semi-reasonable news feeds, if any even exist anymore.
I remember the old days when having a URL to go to was an exciting thing - "This company has a website, let's fire up the modem and check it out!" And then the early days of search with Webcrawler and Ask Jeeves and the 30+ other competitors. Then Google was amazing when it first came out, nearly instantly destroying every other search competitor.
We never knew where it would end back then. I never imagined having more knowledge personally available to humankind than ever before but having it gated by a propaganda/censorship wall that had once been merely a search engine to help me find whatever it is I was looking for.
Maybe there's hope for the future, but there will need to be some major shifts first.
@vic Yeah I mean I use a few different tools and such but it's fun. Something else than google.
I find the current state of the net to be pretty painful. I utterly despise how every website looks exactly the same, just bland mindless shopping mall aesthetics.
Its scary when you start thinking about how much algorithmic systems can direct and manipulate people. It can really have an effect on you even if you're aware of it.
...But seeing as Brave search thinks my traffic is from a bot and the captcha isn't working, I don't have many options. Even Brave had been manipulated into having trash results over time. Just tried StartPage and it was basically unusable with all the propaganda.
@vic i've given up on search. I literally use Yacy now for the most part.
Not finding things is more fun than not finding things and having endless corpo blog slop shoved in my face.