"Sure things are bad now but when we're all deracinated mutts in a century we'll finally have equality, real equality not the fake woke kind"
🎄 Rick 🎄 (praxisofevil@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 03:00:10 JST 🎄 Rick 🎄 -
Racist Jimmy Buffett (jimmybuffettfanaccount@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:09:21 JST Racist Jimmy Buffett @LittleTom @PraxisOfEvil yeah this struck me as something someone with mixed kids would say. No matter how much you like right wing politics or racist shitposting or anything else with a nationalistic world view once you have mixed kids you sort of necessarily have to become the worst kind of globohomo supporting neoliberal. A sane world of nation states, not just for whites but for everyone, is a world where his own children will be outsiders whether they’re in their father’s nation or their mothers. And a man has to look after his children. So he has to advocate for mocha mulatto mischling planet, obese dull eyed muds smoking weed and watching Netflix from one end of the earth to the other, for eternity, so his kids can belong. Weaf :jv::nv: likes this. -
Racist Jimmy Buffett (jimmybuffettfanaccount@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:09:22 JST Racist Jimmy Buffett @PraxisOfEvil does he have a SEAmonkey wife or am I getting my conservative influencers mixed up? -
LittleTom (littletom@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:09:22 JST LittleTom @jimmybuffettfanaccount @PraxisOfEvil Yeah x.com/JanusViljem/status/1880154455695675406 Weaf :jv::nv: repeated this. -
Woodshop 🍁 (woodshophandman@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:17:37 JST Woodshop 🍁 @jimmybuffettfanaccount @LittleTom @PraxisOfEvil And what it really boils down to fairly often is "I settled for what I could get (I was horny) and never thought of the consequences it would have on my future kids". I've known and been friends with a bunch of different minorities over the years. My current best friend is bald. With mixed-race kids though, there's ALWAYS identity issues because they can't identify with either of their parents, no matter how hard anyone involved tries. They'll feel alienated wherever they go, but it's alright because dad found a girl that actually liked him and he figured he had to compromise and commit. Weaf :jv::nv: likes this. -
Weaf :jv::nv: (weaf@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:19:48 JST Weaf :jv::nv: @WoodshopHandman @jimmybuffettfanaccount @LittleTom @PraxisOfEvil Blood pollution is a public health crisis and I'm tired of people pretending there's nothing wrong with it -
Racist Jimmy Buffett (jimmybuffettfanaccount@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:26:35 JST Racist Jimmy Buffett @weaf @WoodshopHandman @LittleTom @PraxisOfEvil its pretty nightmarish to see people screwing up their future children as badly as if they were getting shitfaced every day during the pregnancy and in most cases not having any notion about what they’re doing wrong. but I really detest guys like rufo who no doubt understand race and choose to do something so monstrous to their children anyway. it’s plain evil. Weaf :jv::nv: likes this. -
Woodshop 🍁 (woodshophandman@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 09:48:30 JST Woodshop 🍁 @jimmybuffettfanaccount @weaf @LittleTom @PraxisOfEvil strivers see having children not as a life goal or as the miracle of life or any of the good things that normal mentally healthy people do, but as a necessary step on their corporate/political career path. They're part of his resume, so of course he doesn't see them as people, let alone wonderful loving offspring created by unity of a man and woman in love. hell, the wife is probably part of the resume too. Weaf :jv::nv: likes this.