I lifted this analysis from Patrick Willems.
The sequel trilogy trailers really are genius. They all have the same theme: Passing the torch. The old characters endorse the new ones. This is conveyed by the visuals, by the dialogue, and most effectively by the music. You get the memberberries of the old and the excitement of the new. (leave aside ourguys who were out from the first shot of the niggertrooper)
Now my qualifier to this: The trailers would have worked if it weren't for those meddling Marxists and women.
They had ONE JOB: Treat the old canon and characters with respect, thus preserving the old fan base while phasing in new characters and stories so it didn't become Star Trek Picard, a sad geriatric fiasco.
Rian Johnson blew that by maliciously destroying Luke, losing the old fans entirely. That's why Episode 9 had the lowest grosses of the series.
Even J.J. Abrams fucked up by casting such a sexless female lead. He needed a hot redhead.