What the fuck since when did Microsoft shut off the Windows Update servers for Vista? I remember it was more than possible to get fully up to date after installing a few updates manually...
@atlas Years ago dude, I'm pretty sure I wasn't able to get updates in *2021*
Somebody wrote a bundle with a script which would install all of the official vista updates ever released included in said bundle. I think it was in a youtube video somewhere. No idea if the video still exists though.
@atlas Guess you hallucinated doing that, I do remember installing those updates that enabled you to actually use Windows Update around 2021 [maybe 2020? I signed up to the MSFN forum around that time and while I can't remember how I found out about MSFN it almost certainly had something to do with Vista] and I remember it just constantly failing. Then looking around a bit more and finding out the update servers had been shut down just months earlier. It's literally been years..
@atlas The updates are apparently still inside the Update Catalog, I remember there was some problem relating to Windows Update being unable to fetch updates due to MS deprecating some old tls encryption that was still in use for the catalog. Could've patched Windows Update to be able to use a newer standard? That's a shot in the dark though.
@nyanide@lab.nyanide.com That's a very valid question, actually. I see a few other posts/forums mentioning it online, but I don't actually know. I recall the script also offering to modify WU to fetch Server 2008 patches as well.
@nyanide@lab.nyanide.com The "SHA 2 Update" is an actual official update that needs to be downloaded before being able to access the service... for Windows 7. I don't think Vista has it, afaik the last TLS it supports is 1.1, so MAYBE that's what that patch script is doing?