we need a series like detroit become human but the robots are actually just robots and not sentient. People try giving them rights but then after a while realize how ridiculous it is to give them rights and we kill them.
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@Hyperhidrosis Yeah, why the fuck would you give a robot emotions if your going to make it do a really shitty job, I don't need toilet cleaning robots to feel disgust when cleaning a toilet, it just needs to clean the toilet. Leave the robots with feelings to the sex robots, that'd be a more efficient use of resources than a literal toaster with emotions.
@poopernova @Hyperhidrosis if sex robots is given emotion she have a huge chance to have a woman moment so I rather not.
@blueknightfrank @Hyperhidrosis Understandable, but think of all the funny moments you could have from fucking an emotional robot. Just make sure there's some kind of safety mechanism or killswitch on her
@poopernova @Hyperhidrosis robots having sentience would be a problem because then the slotmachine would feel awkward when I talk dirty to it. I'm not ready for an object to tell me to stop rubbing it's lever and calling it a "dirty coin eating slut." :illya_hyperpanic: