@nyanide it's fine, the main thing that I like is that I can walk anywhere I want. The thing that I dislike is how people here are introverts most of the time.
@MK2boogaloo Yeah I've heard people in Japan are rather reserved. Had a teach that worked in Japan a few times and he told the experience of being on a train which was totally quiet except for him and his friends talking. Such a radical departure from the chaotic life in the rest of the world
@MK2boogaloo@nyanide what hindered you from walking anywhere you wanted before? it was raining and I wanted to go on a jog today, but I turned back when I remembered some government imbecile had removed an important pedestrian island on my route, and now that you mention it Japan might be an alright place for me to move to.
@MK2boogaloo@nyanide ah so just typical desolate suburb shithole stuff From what I can gather there's no real escape in Australia so I'd need to go overseas, no clue why I never considered Japan since I studied Japanese in high school
@MK2boogaloo@Cyrillic@nyanide Whenever I see TV programs of people buying houses in America the first thing I think when I see pretty much any neighbourhood is "How far is it on foot to the nearest store??"