For #TransDayOfVisibility, here are two resources that discuss how to talk about trans/nonbinary folks in accurate, respectful, and more nuanced ways: -Trans Journalists Association's style guide: -Radical Copyeditor's style guide:
@RedPenRabbit@edibuddies Yeah, let's discuss how to talk like actual humans, as opposed to drooling retards:
Fagspeak And How To Avoid It
Since I occasionally see even relatively Based people talk like complete faggots, never mind outright noobs, here's a handy guide to words and terms that you'll want to avoid, as well as helpful alternatives that won't make people wonder if you list preferred pronouns in your profile. So without further ado:
Cis = Normal, Non-tranny
Trans, Transgender = Tranny, Troon, Faggot
LGBTQ = Faggots, Groomers
Gender = Sex (suppress the part of you that's a giggling 13 year old boy)
Singular They = Either use male pronouns as the default when the individual's sex is unknown, or do a little Profiling (meaning you assume gamers and tech spergs are male, while you assume annoying, narcissistic drama queens are female). Or just go with he/she for perfect coverage if that sits better with you.
Plus-sized, BBW = Cow, Landwhale, Fat cunt
N-word = Nigger, Nig-Nog, Nog, Basketball American
People of Color = People of Crime
Undocumented immigrant = Illegal alien, Wetback
Sex worker = Whore, prostitute, Kamala Harris
Feel free to contribute your own examples of Fagspeak, along with Based alternatives.