supposedly according to a Polish study there are less than 15 million people in the lands occupied by Ukraine.
16 million fled to Russia or the EU
8 million live in the territory occupied by Russia.
- Kenny Blankenship repeated this.
@Terry So Russia actually increased its Slav population by 8 million and change minus the SMO casualities (less than 200k)
And they're Russian speakers who more or less bond with the motherland. Plus the eastern lands they took are some of the most resource rich
Huh :putin_smug:
@TrevorGoodchild I don't think the Ukes have more than a couple years left. It won't be long before they're press ganging women into the army and at that point there will be a total breakdown in society. They've tried to plug the gaps with western mercs but theres only so many of them to go around.
@Terry Some of the clowns in their joke of a 'government' (niggers you're a ZOG condom) are already talking about drafting 15 year old kids
@TrevorGoodchild @Terry The Koked Up Kike is becoming increasingly unglued at an accelerating rate. It’s getting to the point where you’ll hear about him as much as Zog’s South Korean muppets (read: not at all)