Meanwhile, Meta creates fake AI-created profiles for engagement on Facebook and Instagram. Here is an example of how it looks. Guess what? You can’t block these AI profiles. They are so stupid and want to get rid of humans. All this so they can avoid paying the 1000 bucks they pay to top influencers monthly. The most dystopian shit ever
AI profiles. AI-generated scams and comments. AI-generated views. No real humans. Ad money collected from real businesses. It is one big scam. Mark is so brilliant. 😂
@nixCraft My understanding is the root cause behind this shit is various tech companies using the magic word "AI" to convince investors that they can in fact squeeze blood from a stone and increase targeted ad revenue. It doesn't have to convince a human, just a credulous investor who thinks "oh yeah, an grotesque stereotype of human experience, that'll definitely fool those sheep! Put me down for 1000 shares". Yes I excluded investors from my definition of human.
@thibaultmol nobody knows what Mark and his management are up to. They invested heavily in those GPUs and so far no return on their investments. So they are trying various things. That is my best guess
@nixCraft Facebook didn't start this, some individuals did and there are/were small companies that did this. Apparently, the advertisers liked the idea, because they had more control over their brand image, or something like that.
Facebook et al force real humans to enter their phone number, or sometimes even submit a passport (no kidding, this happened) to prove they're human and thus "prevent botting and fake profiles".
And now the same platforms start creating their own fake profiles? Well, what did we need to verify ourselves for all this time? They don't need AI, just disable the nonsense entry requirements and folks will do it for them.
@nixCraft what I loved most about this was that the bot seemed to be more aware of just how shitty the whole thing was than the developers...
'Liv, for instance, said that her creator team included zero Black people and was predominantly white and male. It was a “pretty glaring omission given my identity”, the bot wrote'
@nixCraft Fortunately, they seemed to have thought better of this and removed these bots…for now. Unfortunately, there’s no way to stop them from more subtly re-enabling them in the future.
@nixCraft BTW, if you, a real human, would even dare to upload a few AI-manipulated photos / videos on Instagram, you’d receive a very strictly worded letter from them telling you exactly how they would block your account unless you prove your mortality.