Just finished a 32km drive in the manual car. Had just one instance of gear shift hiccup. But overall, I got pretty good at shifting smoothly in rough and congested traffic.
However incline starts going upward is still a challenge. Heard that hand brake helps here; tomorrow will be incline start day.
Hell yeah man
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@FrailLeaf >Heard that hand brake helps here
Pussy. Just swap from the brake to gas pedal quick enough to not roll down.
@FrailLeaf One foot on clutch, other on brake. Switch to first gear, then quickly move the foot from the brake to gas, press it a bit, then remove the other foot from the clutch. Don't know if the pedal position is different on RWDs.
@mint pls dont be mean.
> quick enough
what kind of foot position do i hold for this? I'm mostly holding my foot exactly under the brake pedal and would title to power when needed to not floor it
@mint @FrailLeaf 99% of the clutch pedals you come across in life are going to be the furthest pedal to the left.
@mint yeah this RWD this is Clutch, Brake and Accel in the exact order. This is what I've been trying to do tbh, the RPM i usually take off from 1st gear on flat roads is about 1500. You're suggesting i take it a bit more than this when I give it some acceleration?
@FrailLeaf Sure, just don't overdo it by pushing rpm too far. I think it gets to around 3-4k for me, but it's winter so the road are full of slush and ice.
@mint @FrailLeaf P much
@mint @FrailLeaf even the steering wheel position doesn't affect it, right hand drive cars still have it as clutch - brake - gas from left to right
@mint @FrailLeaf wheel drive absolutely doesn't affect the pedal placement
@lina @FrailLeaf Never sat in one (despite the fact we're getting increasingly more of them even though my region is as far west as you can get, Kaliningrad excluded) so wouldn't know that, thanks again.
@mint @FrailLeaf ya like i said, because cars weren't invented by americans there isn't such faggotry where pedals suddenly change positions between different cars