Is this feminism
@NailBomb @Varus it's like she thinks they are wildlife and if you feed them they will end up getting into her trash can. Then again she seems smart enough to walk up to a coyote with a rib eye
This is the same type of woman who will make a TikTok video in tears about how her car broke down and she was stranded on the side of the highway for hours because no one would stop to help her.
@NailBomb @Varus "Excuse me ma'am there is gasol..."
I think I remember that one :sadge:
There's a video of a woman freaking out on a dude who was trying to alert her to the gas nozzle and hose dangling from the side of her vehicle. These woman are going to be in deep shit when White men start withdrawing their altruism from society, because it's a very slippery slope into nigger rapeville from there