@lanodan I first bumped into it when it was called LoseThos (I was writing a roundup of niche OSs on 711chan) so I recall reading about him using Windows and stuff. I mostly missed Terry's "constant streaming" era, I briefly bumped into him when he was yelling at people on HN.
The LoseThos CD image was pretty small, about 5MB. Looks like it makes several attempts to boot before actually booting; I didn't give it persistent storage so I wonder if Terry shoved some canaries into memory to detect problems booting. The timestamp on this file and the rest of the files in that directory indicate that this was the current pre-TempleOS as of August 10, 2010. (I thought I'd lost all this stuff but I bumped into it while writing this post.) LTCD.ISO losethos.png
@p@lanodan >I wonder if there's something in there that KVM can't account for or something that hardware ignores but qemu chokes on, or just a bug. Crunk mentioned several times that PC speaker emulation is broken pretty much everywhere but VMware.
@lanodan The whole thing is ring-0 and Terry was doing a lot of unconventional stuff, so if anyone's going to find a path that was not exercised previously, my money would be on him. He always used VMWare, I think he still used VMWare even after switching to ubertuber. I wonder if there's something in there that KVM can't account for or something that hardware ignores but qemu chokes on, or just a bug.
@p Heh somehow forgot that it has effectively a HolyC shell, pretty cool thing, reminds me of tccboot and my own bootstrap-initrd which at least for now just uses tcc+musl as blobs.
@mint@lanodan VMWare is closed, I don't trust a Broadcom subsidiary in Palo Alto to not try to plaster my machine with rootkits. Think I'd rather just use a spare Thinkpad as actual hardware than let VMWare onto my box.
I barely have one at present; old GeForce. Does everything I need, it'll play games in an emulator one one monitor while a movie is playing on the other, this is basically as much as I need from a GPU, short of XMR mining and AI and whatnot.
@dcc@lanodan@mint I was lamenting internally that current space constraints have caused me to do this monitor vertically and it's now 3:4 instead of 4:3, but it just occurred to me that emulating DS games was a moderate pain before but it should be great now.
@mint@dcc@lanodan Yeah? I've got a lot of idle ARM cores at the moment. Wonder if it's actually profitable now that I'm in the middle of goddamn nowhere.