It isn’t that she’s 43. She just doesn’t understand the market she’s in. The guys she wants are already married. Probably to women she considers beneath her
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@Aether in reading biographies of people from the 18th and 19th century it comes up repeatedly that when a woman inherits money young and gains de facto independence before being married, she becomes impossible to deal with and often doesn't marry
@quercus @Aether Impossible. She will never be biologically attracted to those traits
@MechaSilvio @quercus @Aether Female solipsism would be tragic if it wasn't so simultaneously funny :pepeLol:
@Aether She's playing the game like a man, wonders why it doesn't work
@MechaSilvio @Aether
It would probably work, if she actually played it like a man and settled for a lower status partner who was kind.
The biggest psychological difference between men and women is that men can happily settle for a woman who not only has no status whatsoever but is also a few ranks below his looksmatch as long as she is kind.
Men were attracted to her beauty and youth - not her personality - and both are waning.
If she could get this, she'd still have some value as a companion, but as she seems unable to do this, she will die as a smug, lonely bitch.