@ChristiJunior WASPs pussied out after WW2 and let the Jews take over.
@AsukaNeko @LawrenceGerald @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior The only way to prevent it happening time and time again is to base your civilization on HONOR rather than WEALTH. Then money goes back to just being a medium of exchange rather than the life-goal of every greedy little turd out there.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior >WASPs pussied out after WW2 and let the Jews take over
It began before that, but this is true. WASPs didn't quite "let" them take over, so much as we "let" them buy us off, a process that is ongoing. I'll just keep repeating that greed and cold-heartedness toward the weak are the fatal flaws of the Anglo soul, and that is exactly how schlomo exploited to take over our nice Anglo land.
However unlikely it may seem, public, collective repentance for our error IS possible, and will indeed be necessary for any actual change. I do not expect to see it, but it IS possible. The Russians repented of their Soviet atheism and stopped persecuting the Church, and they got propagandized HARD for 80 years.
@LawrenceGerald @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior The federal reserve banks and income tax predate even WW1 and those are the pillars of jewish power over the US goyim.