Suddenly feeling very close to quitting PriConne at this point. 3 limited banners in one month at one point and PriFes screwing me hard this time round are sudden catalysts to this thought.
@SenSen_93 just do it now man.
I quit months ago after seeing how much they ruined the game with elements and the non-stop mandatory lims.
Clans are being shutdown left and right.
Even lolivation are disbanding
@SenSen_93 they've been going full milking mode this year.
First they reduced how many free gems you can get then masked it by adding more modes to give you the illusion that there's more free gems to be earned (it's actually less) then they implemented elements with a P2W system that gives whales unfair advantage with no catchup mechanic to impose FOMO. Then they started balancing everything around what the whales have to force F2P and low spenders to refresh deep quests and pull on banners for MPs (that only appear on new banners). And when that wasn't enough, they started making every new character a must-have then started spamming 3/4 limiteds and even more new units every month to milk players, then they decided that wasn't enough and removed the ability to "save" free pulls on holidays then decided that wasn't good enough either and reduced them and moved them purely to reruns. And then went a step further and delayed arena reset (huge annual gem source) to after new banners so they land on reruns.
And just to make sure the saccs weren't getting ahead either, they made it so you need to pull a ridiculous amount to buy MPs from shop in case you skipped any banners.
It's so blatant and disgusting what they did to the game. :angery:
This went from my absolute favourite gacha to a game I want to see EoS just so they don't desecrate it further.
Ironically, EN went out at a good point.
@Meemoo Yeah I'm seeing a few people on Xitter saying that they're retiring too. I was going to see if I can get Medusa, as she's in the latest event and would likely be playable at some point, but going 84 pulls without rate-up, despite getting multiple 3-stars is retarded.
@Meemoo @SenSen_93 they got mogged by blue archive and never recovered
@Kyonko802 @SenSen_93 the game was unironically in a really great spot at the start of the year then elements came and cratered it into oblivion
I'm suspecting KMR assigned a shadow producer to the game similar to GBF's case and he's hiding it
The greedy as fuck jewish style we are seeing in Priconne is way too similar to GBF's current state
@Meemoo @SenSen_93 a shame it went this way. Gbf is impossible to start a new game on unless you no life it
@Kyonko802 @SenSen_93 Priconne right now is legit impossible to get into period.
There's no catchup mechanic and the stat requirements are up to the moon to cater to sunk cost whales.
A friend ask me to help him with CB recently and my account of 4 years that I spent blood sweat and tears into crumbled and couldn't hit any bosses
@Kyonko802 @Meemoo @SenSen_93 Or it got mogged by their own game uma musume.