Browser extension Honey, which promises to save you money on everything you buy online, is just another jew scam. I know right.
Honey claims to find you the best available discount codes for whatever you wish to buy. It doesn't. Honey makes deals with merchants to control the discount codes it provides so that you don't get the best one. Sometimes it finds nothing at all even when valid coupons exist.
It also appears to change the affiliate cookie in your browser so that if you follow a recommendation, Honey gets the cut rather than the person who recommended the product. It does this whether it finds a coupon for you or not.
Honey also offers the buyer a bonus where you receive part of that affiliate deal. In the example in the video you receive 2.5% of the affiliate payout, while Honey gets 97.5%, and the actual affiliate receives nothing at all.
Honey was bought by PayPal in 2020 for $4 billion.
Browser extension Pie may also be a scam.
Which should be quite obvious since it's an ad blocker with a shopping extension that promises to pay you money, which seems deeply implausible. A good ad blocker blocks ads, leaving no money for anyone, least of all you.