On the plus side, without living in a box embedded in the side of an iron-rich hill, dump1090 picks up a lot more stuff. (Also
It would be fun to show except it would dox family and also image uploads don't work on FSE right now and I would fix that but I am fixing my mail server first because I will die otherwise. It is a terrifying Rube Goldberg contraption made of specious modifications to my Exim configuration, Wireguard, and iptables NAT rules generated by a loop in a bash script spanning three machines and I don't know which one is hosed. (I *think* I know what the problem is but we're several levels of machines impersonating other machines and it is hard to tell. I also think I can sacrifice some portion of the Wireguard stuff without issue but this shit is a pain to test.)
- † top dog :pedomustdie: likes this.
@p @SilverDeth Upload them to imageshack and embed them with <img> tags.
@SilverDeth I am unable to communicate with people without :nixonsmug: or :terrylol2: or :globalistlocated: or :mycomputer:.
@p Take your time man, the meme photos can wait.